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Have fun reading and wisdom with my book of poems.
With regards,
the poet and author, Benjamin Maryanan.
Or call me up : 0616851622
Song *Victory* on YouTube
An own composition recorded and produced in cooperation with Anne Faber and on guitar Wauter van der Loos
My Story
About my history, my life and my poems in connection with you
My Story
As a poet-performer, I have been performing on various stages and occasions with my own work and poems since the early 1990s. With mostly English but also with Dutch and German poems. My education is a Teacher training in the subjects of Dutch and History which I was not able to finish due to tragic circumstances. Similarly, from the beginning my own life has been determined from historical and political situations in which I had neither part nor share. So to speak, determined by fate and ruthless. A survival mode that runs like a common thread was my and many with me of the population group I belong to. My parents who hailed from the former Dutch East Indies, a Dutch colony since 1600 (!) and had been forcibly transferred to the Netherlands in 1951 during the tumultuous decolonisation as a temporary stay intended but ultimately, despite the promise, never returned to their homeland in Indonesia and the Moluccas. So I was born and raised in the Netherlands and as a stateless individual but only later naturalised to Dutch citizenship in the 1980s.
A complex and eventful history was my part and many with me from which there was no escape. Always stigmatised and even discriminated against from the historical and special circumstances, treated differently so to speak, it was hard not to just stay in the victim role.
Gelukkig ben ik gezegend met mijn passie voor het schrijven sinds jonge leeftijd. En vooral gedichten maar ook vanwege mijn andere passie voor muziek en zingen heb ik talloze liedteksten of "poems songs" geschreven. Een ervan heb ik geplaatst op YouTube, met de titel *Victory*.Op de frontpagina van deze website ziet u het beeld van de video.
Hier op deze webshop zijn de 3 boeken die ik heb geschreven en uitgegeven online verkrijgbaar. En gesigneerd omdat ik persoonlijk in contact wil staan met de lezers van mijn boeken.
Immers mijn gedichten zijn ook gebaseerd op persoonlijke ervaringen en ideeën dus in die zin autobiografisch van aard. En dat wil ik graag delen met mijn lezers. Hoewel en dankzij de poëtische vrijheid die ik als dichter beschik, geeft het mij ook de nodige ruimte om mijn fantasie de vrije loop te laten gaan indien het relevant is. En dat soms mijn werk zelfs surrealistisch is te noemen is dan ook niet verwonderlijk.
Niettemin ben ik van mening dat de lezer een eigen interpretatie, visie en mening mag hebben over mijn werk. Dat is de kracht van poëzie. De dichter bedenkt en schrijft maar de lezer die het leest bepaalt een eigen oordeel daarover. Wel wil ik als dichter aan de goede kant blijven van elke zaak en onderwerp en de lezer in ieder geval een positief gevoel en gedachte geven. Schrijven en van gedichten betekent voor mij eveneens het meegeven van een positieve boodschap en ook licht in donkere/duistere tijden, onderwerpen en thema's. Tevens zijn mijn gedichten universeel te noemen en daarom tijdloos. De uitgever van mijn laatste boek *Love and Revolution*, Olympia Publishers in Londen, heeft mijn werk als eclectisch genoemd.
Tenslotte hoop ik dat u mijn boeken en gedichten u blij mag maken en u met inzicht en wijsheid zal verrijken.
Bestel mijn boeken via mail naar :
Met poetische groet, Benjamin Maryanan.
Featured Products
Love and Revolution
Buy online, pick up in store
We‘ll keep your order for several days so you can come get it at a convenient time
Of course, you can also order my books from any bookstore. In the following way.
*Love and Revolution* in Paperback
English edition by Benjamin Maryanan (author)
ISBN 978-180074-542
About Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow: Universal Poems in English and Dutch of Benjamin Maryanan (Multilingual Edition)
ISBN : Hardcover 978-1-4771-1661-6
Softcover 978-1-4653-5132-6
Ebook 978-1-4653-5133
Weltbürger sucht Wurzeln: Mein Ziel ist Berlin (German Edition)
ISBN: 978-3-75281-314-2
Author: Benjamin Marijanan
Of course, you can also order my books from any bookstore. In the following manner.
*Love and Revolution* in Paperback
English edition by Benjamin Maryanan (author)
ISBN 978-180074-542
About Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow: Universal Poems in English and Dutch of Benjamin Maryanan (Multilingual Edition)
ISBN: Hardcover 978-1-4771-1661-6
Softcover 978-1-4653-5132-6
Ebook 978-1-4653-5133
Weltbürger sucht Wurzeln: Mein Ziel ist Berlin (German Edition)
ISBN: 978-3-75281-314-2
Author: Benjamin Marijanan
Or order the books online from the publishers
*Love and Revolution*
Olympia Publishers London | Official Website
Olympia Publishers London
*About Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow*
Home | Xlibris Publishing
Xlibris Publishing
Weltbürger sucht Wurzeln: Mein Ziel ist Berlin (German Edition) ...
Lettera-Tour-Treff e.V or Herstellung und Verlag: BoD- Books on Demand, Norderstedt. ,,,
Furthermore, the books can be ordered online from well-known websites:,, And several webshops: just google title of the book with author's name: Benjamin Maryanan/Benjamin Marijanan.
Love and revolution ( on the back cover )
This book is composed of wonderful and beautiful poems written by BENJAMIN MARYANAN. They dive into your mind and make you think on a deeper level about love and revolution. The poems are created to tickle your brain and make you wonder. What is it about love and revolution that is so important to us as humans? Love is important to us all. We need love in our life. Revolution is just as important because without revolution, humans may cease to exist. The way our system works is just beyond us all and we all to make a change. This poet hopes to bring about change to your views on love and revolution through this poetry. May you be fulfilled and have a mind-altering experience, with a shift of perspective on love and revolution. By Olympia Publishers.
*The Voice*
Benjamin Maryanan. copyright. May 2024. Les Pays Bas.
Inside, outside
In search of the light
For the clear sky,
that tells me to be wise
Love against hate,
tomorrow we wait
To hear a message,
more than average...
When beauty has a face,
And time for mercy
This song to forgive,
so that you and I can live
A vibration is audible,
as my emotion sings
The notes fade,
to the earth and lasting
Blessed is the hearing,
the witnesses who read
Words speak in images,
as in a poetic play...
The soul articulates languidly,
May our world be ours....
Until the voice shall be silent,
and all is spoken and said
Additional offer
Signed books can only be ordered from the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Send an email to me with the order of the book(s) and stating your details/name, address/country.
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You will be notified by e-mail about the procedure to follow, shipping costs and payment to be sent the book(s).
After payment/transfer by bank, the signed book(s) will be sent to you within 14 days.
Contact met mij
Stuur een mail naar
Als het gaat om uitnodiging voor een boekpresentatie, een lezing of voordracht en/of een poetry-performance met muziek en beeld.
Of het betreft een uitnodiging om samen te werken met mij als dichter-performer en muzikant.
Ook andere ideeën of voorstellen in de richting van festivals, bijeenkomsten, presentaties, ontmoetingen waarbij ik als dichter-performer/muzikant optreedt zijn welkom.
U krijgt altijd antwoord.
Contact info
Contact info
About Me
— Benjamin Maryanan, the poet
Hi there! My name is Benjamin. My profession is primarly poet. Also experienced with poetry-performances and with musical accompaniment. I also write poems as songs to perform as singer. In that respect, I am always willing to work and perform with other musicians. Rockmusic is my love when it comes to the genre. Despite my historical background given by my parents from Bima/Sumbawa in Indonesia and the Moluccas, I was born and raised in the Netherlands and therefore feel like a world citizen with universal ideas. Therefore, I also consider myself a being where East and West come together and allowed to be artistic as a human being. And to be able to share that with everyone on our beloved planet Earth. Created and given by our Almighty God. To watch over it, to bring it to growth, maturity, beauty and in sustainability. And I believe from my conviction and profession as an artist that I can help bring about the peace, understanding and happiness of each of us. On the other hand, by developing, showing and sharing our given talents. So I want to share my talent with you through my original poems written in Dutch, English and German, which you can read in my books that can be ordered on this Webshop. And let you also enjoy it as I enjoyed it as the poet.